10 tracks
10 tracks
It is a usual practice nowadays to consume music as some sort of supplement for various mundane activities. There are playlists for working, compilations for pilates, mixes for chilling, streams for cooking, and so on. As you know, we are crazy about hot topics and trendy things. We are totally nutty over all that stuff! So, consider us fashion-following, healthy-living, eco-friendly and so on. As well as self-ironic.
Anyway, this is our contribution to the seductive world of perfectly targeted tunes a selection of tracks which will come in handy during many events of frequent occurrence. For example, it’s irreplaceable when you stand in your bedroom without realizing this. Or when you fantasize about having a nice personal chat with your favorite famous scientist.
Wait no more and fall asleep or start dreaming! There is no need to sleep deep and dream big, just do not forget to press the play button beforehand.
Listen to the entire compilation right now:
Printempo - Terry Drowzy - Apagar Denis Davidov - Autumn in July Frayhm - heart; Feelingly Livid - Moving at My Own Pace Yellowhead - Lovesong Souchong Cycle Hiccups - Bowery Zachary Beans - Into That Mechanical Witch - Glamour Zimmer-G - JanuaryDownload the compilation for $2 (via Gumroad)
Download the compilation for $2
(via Gumroad)
Download the compilation for $2 (via Gumroad)
Why download here if it’s available on all streaming services?
1.01. Printempo Terry
2.02. Drowzy Apagar
3.03. Denis Davidov Autumn in July
4.04. Frayhm heart; Feelingly
5.05. Livid Moving at My Own Pace
6.06. Yellowhead Lovesong Souchong
7.07. Cycle Hiccups Bowery
8.08. Zachary Beans Into That
9.09. Mechanical Witch Glamour
10.10. Zimmer-G January