Photo by Vladimir Yarotsky, Erarta
August, 2011
August, 2011
In August 2011 Idiosync made a concert appearance at the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art in order to present new material for his debut album entitled Extrapolation.
This title refers to Idiosync’s method of composing music by merging electronica with extracts from various sound libraries of the Soviet Union. For example, the opening track here greets the audience with a several-minute-long sample of Gagarin’s first space flight modified to sound like some sort of a noisy dub.
The rest of the set has a lot of acoustic peculiarities to offer as well. Probably its most interesting feature is how the same technique works differently in live performance and on the album. So, the recommended way to get the best from the listening experience is to compare this set to the release it was introducing.
Recorded at Erarta Museum, St. Petersburg.
Download the set for free (MP3, 320 kbps, zip-archived)
The only thing you have to do is the right clicksave as operation.
(MP3, 320 kbps, zip-archived)
Download the mix for free (MP3, 320 kbps, zip-archived)