
We send our newsletter as soon as we have enough news. It is occasional, unobtrusive, humane and comes in plain text format, thus keeping your attention on the content rather than illustrations or complementary design elements.

Here’s an example of how it looks like:

It’s cool!

To use your e-⁠mail address for staying tuned.

It’s cool!

To use your e-mail address for staying tuned.

The newsletter contains updates, announcements and news, accompanied with links to this site, where you can get detailed information.

Needless to say we don’t gather and hence can’t disclose your personal information under any circumstances, so you can be sure about your anonymity and security. And of course we will never send you any kinds of spam known to humanity.

How to subscribe or unsubscribe

In order to join the warm ranks of subscribers, simply send “I want to subscribe!” to

In case you are already a subscriber and would like to stop receiving the newsletter, unsubscribe by sending “I’m sick and tired of you“ to